NBB Adjustment Types
Non-Billed Budget Financial Transaction Algorithms. The Non-Billed Budget adjustment types use the standard FT algorithm types that are provided with the base package. If you have not yet defined algorithms for these types in your system, do so before creating the Non-Billed Budget adjustment types.
The following adjustment types are needed:
Add SA To Non-Billed Budget. This adjustment type should reference an FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = 0 / Current Amt = Adj Amount (no GL). Because the adjustment affects the current balance only, there is no entry in the GL. This adjustment type is referenced on Adjustment Type (Current=0) on SA types that are eligible for Non-Billed Budgets. Note that this adjustment type is never used if the SA is added to an unmonitored Non-Billed Budget.
Bill Complete for Monitored Non-Billed Budget. This adjustment type should reference a distribution code used for balance transfer clearing. It should reference a FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = Adj / Current Amt = 0. This adjustment type is referenced on Adjustment Type (Xfer) on SA types that are monitored Non-Billed Budgets.
Synch Balance for Non-Billed Budget. This adjustment type should be set up for Sync. Current Amount and should reference a FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = 0 / Current Amt = Adj Amount (no GL). This adjustment type is referenced on the Adj. Type (Synch Current) on Non-Billed Budget SA types. It is used when a Non-Billed Budget SA is stopped to synch the current balance with the payoff balance.
Scheduled Payment. This adjustment type should reference an FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = 0 / Current Amt = Adj Amount (no GL). Because the adjustment affects the current balance only, there is no entry in the GL. This adjustment type is referenced on the Non-Billed Budget process scheduled payment algorithm.
Overpayment Transfer. This adjustment type should reference a transfer distribution code and a FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = Adj / Current Amt = Adj. This adjustment is referenced on the non-billed budget process scheduled payment algorithm and the stop non-billed budget algorithm. Note that if there is already a transfer adjustment type created in your system, you do not need to create a new one.
If you are setting up an unmonitored Non-Billed Budget that maintains a credit balance (as opposed to maintaining the credit balance on an overpayment SA), you need to create an adjustment type for Bill Complete for Unmonitored Non-Billed Budget. (Refer to Transferring Credit from Unmonitored Non-billed Budgets for more information.) The adjustment type should reference a transfer distribution code and a FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = Adj / Current Amt = Adj. This adjustment type is referenced on Adjustment Type (Xfer) on SA types that are unmonitored Non-Billed Budgets.