NBB Algorithms
You must define the following algorithms:
On NBB recommendation rule, the Non-Billed Budget Daily Amount Calculation. Refer to the NBDA-DA algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
On SA type:
Non-Billed Budget Process Scheduled Payment. This algorithm has parameters that must reference the Scheduled Payment and Overpayment Transfer adjustment types defined above. Another parameter references an overpayment SA type (that you may need to create if there is not already one in your system). Refer to the NBPA-PS algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
Non-Billed Budget SA Renewal. Refer to the SARN-NB algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
Break Non-Billed Budget SA. Refer to the NBBR-BRK algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
SA Activation - automatically activate SA (if you want to automatically activated Non-Billed Budgets when they are created). Refer to the SACR-AT algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm. Note that this same algorithm may be used on many SA types.
SA Activation - create customer contact (if you want the system to create a customer contact when NBB SAs are activated). Refer to the SAAT-CC algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
SA Stop - automatically stop SA (if you want to automatically transition Non-Billed Budgets from pending stop to stop when their stop is initiated). Refer to the SAIS-ST algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm. Note that this same algorithm may be used on many SA types.
SA Stop - Stop Non-Billed Budget. Refer to the SAST-NB algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
Bill Completion - Non-Billed Budget Credit Transfer. Refer to the BCMP-NB algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
On bill segment type, the Bill FT Algorithm (for all SAs that are eligible for NBB). Refer to the BSBF-BA algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm. Note this is the standard bill FT algorithm type used for common bill transactions. It supports bill FT for non-billed budgets and other SA types. You only need to create it if it doesn't already exist in your system.
On severance event type, an algorithm for Non-billed Budget Severance. Refer to the SVEV-NB algorithm type for more information about the base package algorithm.
Payment Schedule Algorithm Types. For Non-Billed Budget payment schedule algorithm types, you need to define the algorithm types (if you add your own algorithm types). You do not need to define algorithms because the parameter values for the algorithm are defaulted on the recommendation rule and stored with the Non-Billed Budget SA. (Normally the algorithm holds the parameter values.) Refer to the NBPS-MON algorithm type for more information about the base package payment schedule algorithm.