Field Investigation High Bill Complaint
The following is an example of the configuration of the Field Investigation In Progress status for high bill complaint cases.
Note the following about this status:
Field Investigation In Progress is an interim state (meaning that it's not an initial or final state).
It has a button label of Send to Field. This is the label on the button that a user presses to move a case into this state. This button will only appear on cases that are in the Preliminary Investigation state as this is the only state that can transition into the Field Investigation in Progress state.
We have decided not to specify a BPA script on this status because users don't work cases in this state (see the Additional Processing notes below for why this is the case).
We have associated the Send to Field action with this status. This means that only users with rights to this action for the application service defined on the case type can move a case into this state.
Notice that Valid Next Statuses are what restricts a case in this state to be transitioned to the Decision Checkpoint and Rejected states.
Notice that the Additional Processing plug-ins do the following:
Create a field activity when a case enters this state
Cause the case to automatically transition to the Decision Checkpoint state when the field activity is completed