Scripts and Cases
There are three ways Business Process Assistant scripts can be used to manage cases:
You can create a BPA script to help users create a case. For example, a script can help a user create a new high-bill complaint.
Using a script to create a case can save a user a lot of time (and training efforts). This is because the script can automatically populate many fields on the case based on answers to questions.
Refer to Initiating Scripts for a description of how end-users initiate scripts.
You can create a script to help users work on a case when it's in a given state. Refer to A Script That Helps A User Work A Case for more information.
You can set up your case types to create To Do entries to notify users when cases exist that require their attention. Users can complete many of these ToDo entries without assistance. However, you can set up the system to automatically launch a script when a user selects a ToDo entry. For example, consider a ToDo entry that highlights a high-bill complaint that requires investigation. You can set up the system to execute a specific script when a user selects this ToDo entry. This script might guide the user through the investigation process (and help them update the case). Refer to Executing A Script When A To Do Entry Is Selected for more information.