Designing Context Values for the NDS Type
A notification download staging record must reference some "relevant data" that allows the extract process or the XAI MPL process to retrieve the data needed to send to the external system. For example, if the person's name has changed, the NDS must reference the Person Id. When formatting the data to send to an external system, the appropriate process would take the person ID and retrieve the data needed to send to the external system.
The NDS may use either the context collection or the characteristics collection to enter this "relevant data". If you choose to use context, you may decide to define the context types for the NDS type (although it is not required).
If NDS records of this type are interfaced through XAI, then the context types and corresponding XPATH values are required for every piece of data that is required to call an application service to build the extract. The XPATH indicates the relative path in the XML document where the field value will be placed when building the XML document.
Refer to Configuring the System for XAI Messages for more information on designing your XAI outbound messages.