What Type Of Workflow Process Is Created?
Given that you can receive many different types of notifications (e.g., return consumption, switch supplier, stop service), it should make sense that each type of notification upload staging (NUS) record will probably require a different type of workflow process to implement its request. The system uses the NUS record sender's external system Id and a notification upload type to determine the type of workflow process. This works as follows:
Every external system references a workflow process profile.
A workflow process profile defines the type of workflow process template to use to process a given notification upload type.
Different workflow processes for the same type of notification. It's probably obvious why different notification types result in different workflow processes. You may wonder why different workflow processes would be needed by two senders who submit the same type of notification? The reason is that different senders may have different types of computer systems that handle their notification processing (or no computer system at all). For example, you may have to respond by fax to a sender who doesn't have a sophisticated computer system, whereas you may send an electronic transaction to a sender who is technically advanced. The system allows you to create different workflow process profiles for each response mechanism (e.g., sophisticated vs. fax). You then associate the appropriate workflow process with each sender.