Configure A Campaign To Link An SA To A Terms Of Service
The system provides a pair of column reference algorithm types that support linking a new service agreement to an existing terms of service record via an order. The pair includes a validation algorithm type CRVL-SATOS and a posting algorithm type CRPS-SATOS.
In order to take advantage of this functionality, you must:
Create an algorithm for each of the above algorithm types. Only one algorithm is needed for each algorithm type because there are no parameters for either one.
Setup a unique column reference for the terms of service ID column reference code and plug in the new validation and posting algorithms on the record.
For campaigns whose orders link a new service agreement to an existing umbrella agreement, make sure to define a miscellaneous field for the terms of service ID. Note, the miscellaneous field must reference the column reference that you setup above.
Based on your business practice, you may want to further configure your campaign / package for linking a service agreement to an existing terms of service. Refer to Linking A Service Agreement To A TOS Through Orders for more information.