Terms Of Service Type - Main
Open Admin > Umbrella Agreement > Terms of Service Type > Add to define basic information about terms of service types.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Terms of Service Type code and Description for the TOS type.
Use Template SA Usage to indicate whether a template SA is Optional, Required or Not Allowed. Refer to Overriding Rate Terms for more information about using template SAs.
Use the characteristics collection to define characteristics that can be defined for terms of service records of a given type. Use Sequence to control the order in which characteristics are defaulted. Turn on the Required switch if the Characteristic Type must be defined on terms of service records of a given type. Turn on the Default switch to default the Characteristic Type when terms of service records of the given type are created. Enter a Characteristic Value to use as the default for a given Characteristic Type when the Default switch is turned on.
Characteristic Types. You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on a terms of service record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.
Use the Covered Entities collection to define the types of entities that are "covered" by terms of service records of this type. Refer to Terms Of Service Covered Entities for more information
Characteristic Types. You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible for TOS covered entity. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.