Account Obfuscation
The Account Erasure (C1-ErasureScheduleAccount) BO is delivered with an enter algorithm on the Erased state - C1-ACCTOBFS.
This algorithm performs the following:
In the Account root table:
Removes the link to the Mailing Premise Id
Clears contents of the Account Data Area
Deletes all Account Person records except the main Person.
Deletion of the ‘main’ person makes the Account unsearchable through the user interface - e.g. via Control Central search.
Updates the main Person's Address Source to Person
Deletes all records in the Person Address Override table
Deletes all records in the Account Auto Pay table
Deletes all records in the Account Alerts table
Deletes all records in the Account Messages table
Deletes all records in the Account Credit Rating History table
Deletes all records in the Account Debt Monitor Review Schedule table
Deletes all records in the Non-Cash Deposit table
Deletes all records in the Budget Review table
Deletes all records in the Notification Preferences table and its child tables
The base algorithm does not obfuscate nor delete any Account Characteristics because this data is implementation-specific. Implementations that store any personally identifiable information (PII) in this table - e.g. in adhoc characteristic values should add their specific obfuscation/delete logic for these characteristics.