How and When Events Are Activated
An overdue event contains the date is should be activated; this is referred to as its trigger date. On this date, the Overdue / Cut Event Manager (a background process ( C1-ODET )) invokes the Event Activation algorithm plugged-in on the event's event type. The Event Activation algorithm, in turn, will decide on the state in which to leave the overdue event (e.g., it may transition it to the Complete state or the Waiting state).
If a user can't wait for the Overdue / Cut Event Manager real-time, they can click a button on Overdue Process - Main to activate (and recursively trigger) events online / real-time.
You control how an event's trigger date is populated by configuring the overdue process template. You are given two choices when you link an event type to an overdue process template:
You can indicate the event should be assigned a trigger date when it is first created. You'd use this approach on the first event and events with no dependencies on earlier events. The following points describe how to configure the overdue process template to do this:
Indicate the event type is NOT dependent on other events, and
Define the number of days after the process's creation to use when calculating the trigger date.
You can indicate the event should be assigned a trigger date only after earlier events are Complete. This technique should be used whenever you have an event that is only executed after other events are Complete. The following points describe how to configure the overdue process template to do this:
Indicate the event is dependent on other events, and
Define the number of days after the completion / cancellation of all dependent event(s) that the trigger date should be set to. The Overdue / Cut Event Manager sets the trigger date on such an event when it detects that all of its dependent events are complete / canceled.
Calendar vs Workdays. When an overdue event is created by the system, its trigger date is set in accordance with your date arithmetic preferences. Refer to Calendar vs. Work Days for more information.