Write Offs And Overdue Process Cancellation
It should be stressed that writing-off a bill may cause an overdue process to be canceled because the bill's FT will be linked to a balanced match event (note, the specific cancel criteria are in a plug-in so this is not a hard rule).
The following points highlight interesting aspects of bill write-off and overdue process cancellation:
If a user writes off a bill real time and the bill has an Active overdue process, the process's cancel criteria will be invoked. This typically results in the cancellation of the overdue process.
If an overdue event writes off a bill, the state of the process depends on your cancel criteria and where the overdue event is positioned in the overdue process. For example,
Imagine an overdue process that has an overdue event that writes offs small amounts of debt early in the process. If such a process is applied against bill with a small amount of debt, the process will be canceled (when the event activates).
Contrast this to an overdue process where the last event writes off the bill. Because there are no other events to activate, the process will complete (i.e., it will not be canceled).