Understanding Market
The Market object is used to define a deregulated market which is a geographical area operating with a set of rules to manage premises and/or customers for a service type. Separate market instances are created for each geographic area and service type, e.g. Gas New York (GNY), Electric New York (ENY), Electric United Kingdom (EUK).
Each deregulated market has participants (Service Providers) operating within that market. Different types of Service Providers are grouped into Market Relationship Types. There are Service Providers that manage the customer at a premise - e.g. Local Distribution Company, Energy Service Provider (Retailer, Supplier) and some that manage the meter at a premise (Meter Operator, Data Aggregator). Service Providers can operate across several deregulated markets (e.g. Retailers) and they can enter and exit markets independently. Start and End dates are provided to manage Service Providers entering and exiting markets.
Service Provider types can be managed by the market object and others can be managed by Market Provider Configuration. Recommended Market Relationship types managed by the Market object are Meter Owners, Meter Aggregators. There may be markets where no Service Providers are managed by the Market object, even where Meter Owners are present. For example when Meter Owners don’t change.
Service Provider types managed by the Market Provider Configuration are recommended for Retailer and Distributor Market Relationship Types. This option provides greater flexibility for market transactions to be sent to service providers based on the market and billing options.
Refer to Market Provider Configuration for Service Providers that are managed for each Market Billing Option.
Markets that manage a provider of last resort or fall back service provider will configure the market Fall Back Service Provider, the start and end dates allow a solution to determine who the current Fall Back Service Provider is. Not all markets have a Fall Back Service Provider.