Understanding Consumer Contract Milestones
Dates that are significant to a consumer contract can be recorded as consumer contract milestones. A consumer contract milestone can optionally trigger an action. For example, a consumer contract milestone could record the date when a fixed-priced period ends and trigger a change to the consumer contract when this date is reached. Another example is a consumer contract milestone that sends a notification to the customer one month prior to the end of the fixed-priced period.
A consumer contract milestone can relate to one or more of the contract's consumer contract products. A contract’s consumer contract products record the links between the consumer contract and consumer product versions. In the example above of a consumer contract milestone recording the date when a fixed price period ends, the consumer contract milestone would be related to the consumer contract period whose consumer product version has the fixed priced period.
Each milestone has a consumer contract milestone type. The consumer contract milestone type indicates whether or not a milestone is executable, that is whether or not it triggers an action. For executable milestones, the action to be performed is derived from the consumer contract milestone type.
A consumer contract milestone’s executable status can be: Pending, Processed, Not Executable or Canceled. Not Executable indicates that the milestone does not have a related action and Canceled indicates that the milestone is no longer applicable.
The Perform Consumer Contract Milestone Actions (C1–CCMP) batch process executes a consumer contract milestone’s actions. This batch process selects the consumer contract milestones whose milestone date is today or in the past and whose executable status is Pending. The batch process performs the Perform Action algorithms defined on the milestone’s Consumer Contract Milestone Type business object. Once a consumer contract milestone’s actions have been performed, the batch process changes its executable status to Processed.
This batch process is built using the Plug-in Driven Background Processes framework. Your implementation can introduce alternate logic, by duplicating this batch control and replacing the select and/or process records algorithms. Adjust the batch parameters according to your custom logic, if needed.
The base product provides a Contract Milestone Type (BO) – Perform Action algorithm that sends customer notification. Additional algorithms may exist for your implementation. To see the available algorithm(s), search for algorithm types of the Contract Milestone Type (BO) – Perform Action algorithm entity in the application.