Understanding Consumer Contract Rules
Consumer contract rules are standard and custom rules that perform actions to set up a new consumer contract or change an existing consumer contract which is related to the consumer product version. A consumer contract rule could for example create a new service agreement.
Consumer contract rules are grouped together by consumer product components. Consumer product components determine if and when a consumer contract rule will be applied. Refer to Understanding Consumer Product Components for more details.
Consumer contract rules are applied by a customer service request when a consumer contract is being created or changed. Different consumer product rules can be applied at different stages of the customer service request and for different changes. The consumer product component defines a consumer contract rule usage that determines when a consumer contract rule is applied.
The base product provides the following consumer contract rule usages:
On Activation – Add: The consumer contract rules are applied during activation set up for the consumer product versions of consumer contract products that have been added.
On Activation - Remove: The consumer contract rules are applied during activation set up for the consumer product versions of consumer contract products whose end date time has been set.
On Completion – Add: The consumer contract rules are applied at completion for the consumer product versions of consumer contract products that have been added.
On Completion – Remove: The consumer contract rules are applied at completion for the consumer product versions of consumer contract products whose end date time has been set.
Service Location - Add: The consumer contract rules are performed when any action required to add a service point or registration point to a contract, such as field work or a market process, has been performed.
Service Location – Remove: The consumer contract rules are performed when any action required to remove a service point or registration point from a contract, such as field work or a market process, has been performed.
The base product provides Consumer Contract Rule (BO) – Apply Rule algorithms that add a service agreement and that add a consumer contract milestone. Additional algorithms may exist for your implementation. To see the available algorithm(s), search for algorithm types of the Consumer Contract Rule (BO) – Apply Rule algorithm entity in the application.