Customer and Premise Data Extracts: Batch Controls
Customer Data
The customer data extraction process uses a set of batch processes to create data synchronization requests and extract files.
The following batch processes are used to create initial synchronization requests:
Customer Data Initial Load for DataConnect v1+ (C1-CDTIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for account data (service agreements/accounts/persons) and SA's SP data (SA/SP). The appropriate sync business objects for the two extracts should be plugged in as parameters to the batch job.
Mail Address Initial Load DataConnect v1+ (C1-MADIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for accounts.
SA-Based Initial Load for DataConnect (C1-SAEIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for service agreements / accounts / persons. — Used with v1.
SP Initial Load for DataConnect (D1-SPEIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for service points. — Used with v1.
The following batch processes are used to create extract files from synchronization requests.
These batch processes should be run to create initial load data synchronization requests based on the Sync for DataConnect business objects.
Customer Data Extract for DataConnect v1+(C1-CUDTX): This batch control creates extract file(s) for service agreements / accounts / persons related information.
SA/SP Data Extract for DataConnect v1+ (C1-SSDTX)
Mailing Address Extract DataConnect v1+ (C1-MADTX): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain mailing address information.
SA-Based Extract for DataConnect (C1-CUDTX): This batch control creates extract file(s) for service agreements / accounts / persons related information. — Used with v1.
SP Extract for DataConnect (D1-SPESR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain service point information. — Used with v1.
These batch controls are defined as values for the Batch Control for Extract algorithm parameters on the Pre-Processing algorithms on the Sync for DataConnect business objects (see above).
Use the Batch Control portal for more information about these batch controls. The extract batch controls contain parameters that can be used to specify details (including path and file name for this file.) for a delimited flat file containing extracted data.
Premise Data
The premise data extraction process uses a set of batch processes to create data synchronization requests and extract files.
The following batch processes are used to create initial synchronization requests:
SP/Meter Initial Load for DataConnect v1+ (D1-SPMIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for service points, device configurations, and devices.
Install Event Initial Load for DataConnect (D1-IEEIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for install events. — Used with v1.
The following batch processes are used to create extract files from synchronization requests.
These batch processes should be run to create initial load data synchronization requests based on the Sync for DataConnect business objects.
SP/Meter Extract for DataConnect v1+ (D1-SPMSR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain service point, device configuration, and device information.
Install Event Extract for DataConnect (D1-IEESR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain install event information. — Used with v1.
These batch controls are defined as values for the Batch Control for Extract algorithm parameters on the Pre-Processing algorithms on the Sync for DataConnect business objects (see above).
Use the Batch Control portal for more information about these batch controls. The extract batch controls contain parameters that can be used to specify details (including path and file name for this file.) for a delimited flat file containing extracted data.