Bill Suggestions
Most companies have found it impossible to load bill segment item, bill calculation header and lines with sufficient information and therefore these tables are not populated. See the comments in the above ERD's for more information.
Please populate the columns on the FT that's associated with the bill segment as follows:
CUR_​AMT should be set equal to the bill segment amount
PAY_​AMT should be set equal to the bill segment amount
CRE_​DTTM should be set equal to the bill segment end date / time
FREEZE_​SW should be "Y"
FREEZE_​DTTM should be set equal to the bill segment end date / time
ARS_​DT should be set equal to the bill segment end date
CORRECTION_​SW should be "N"
REDUNDANT_​SW should be "N"
NEW_​DEBIT_​SW should be "N"
NOT_​IN_​ARS_​SW should be set to "N"
SHOW_​ON_​BILL_​SW should be set to "N"
ACCOUNTING_​DT should be set to the current date
SCHED_​DISTRIB_​DT should be left blank
CURRENCY_​CD should be the currency on the installation record
BAL_​CTL_​GRP_​ID should be left blank
XFERRED_​OUT_​SW should be set to "Y"
PARENT_​ID should be set to the bill ID
SIBLING_​ID should be set to the bill segment ID
Do NOT create any GL details for the FT. If GL details are converted, ensure they are populated with the EXACT information SPL CC&B would use to create them. This information is used to create the reversing GL entry when the bill segment is canceled.