Submitting Key Assignment Programs
The key assignment programs described under Master Data and Transaction Data (in the Table Names matrices) are submitted using a batch driver program, CIPVRNKB, and this program is executed in the staging database. You should supply the following parameters to this program:
Batch code. The batch code associated with the appropriate table's key assignment program. Refer to each table listed under Master Data and Transaction Data (in the Table Names matrices) for each key assignment batch code / program.
Batch thread number. Thread number is not used and should be left blank.
Batch thread count. Thread count is not used and should be left blank.
Batch rerun number. Rerun number is not used and should be left blank.
Batch business date. Business date is the date supplied to the key assignment programs and the date under which statistics will be logged.
Total number of commits. Total number of commits is not used and should be left blank.
Maximum minutes between cursor re-initiation. Maximum minutes between cursor re-initiation is not used and should be left blank.
User ID. User ID is only used to log statistics for the execution of the batch job.
Password. Password is not used.
Language Code. Language code is used to access language-specific control table values. For example, error messages are presented in this language code.
Trace program at start (Y/N), trace program exit (Y/N), trace SQL (Y/N) and output trace (Y/N). These switches are only used during QA and benchmarking. If trace program start is set to Y, a message is displayed whenever a program is started. If trace program at exist is set to Y, a message is displayed whenever a program is exited. If trace SQL is set to Y, a message is displayed whenever an SQL statement is executed.
Mode. The proper use of this parameter will greatly speed up the key assignment step as described under Recommendations To Speed Up Key Generation. This parameter has three values:
If you supply a mode with a value of I (initial key generation), the system allocates new keys to the rows in the staging tables (i.e., it populate the respective old key / new key table).
If you supply a mode with a value of D (resolve duplicate keys), the system reassigns keys that are duplicates.
If you supply a mode with a value of B (both generate keys and resolve duplicates), the system performs both of the above steps. This is the default value if this parameter is not supplied.
Please see Recommendations To Speed Up Key Generation for how to use this parameter to speed up the execution of these processes.
Parallel Key Generation. No key generation program should be run (either in mode I or B ) while another program is being run unless that program is in the same tier (see Program Dependencies for a description of the tiers).
Start Row Number. This parameter is only used if you are performing conversions where data already exists in the tables in the production database (subsequent conversions). In an Oracle database the key assignment routines create the initial values of keys by manipulation of the Oracle row number, starting from 1. After any conversion run, a subsequent conversion run will start with that row number again at 1, and the possibility of duplicate keys being assigned will be higher. The purpose of this parameter is to increase the value of row number by the given value, and minimize the chance of duplicate key assignment.