Account - Account Portal
Select Menu > Customer Information > Account > Search and navigate to the Account Portal page to view additional information associated with an Account.
Depending on your implementations requirements, you may define additional zones to appear on this Portal.
The contents of this section describe the zones that are available on this portal page.
General Information displays Account ID and Account Info
Account Contact Information Displays person contacts that are associated with the account in context. Only records for persons that allow communication preferences are shown.
This zone provides the ability to add or edit existing person contacts. The edit functionality is limited. This provides a convenient way to edit basic information for person contacts. When adding a person contact, person contact types associated with phone types are not available.
Full maintenance of person contacts can be performed on the Person – Person Contacts page.
Push Communication Preferences Displays contact preferences and opt-out preferences for push-based notification types; meaning, those notifications that customers do not need to subscribe in order to receive. You can maintain the customer's preferred method(s) of contact (the preferences) for receiving these notifications, or process a customer's request to opt out of receiving them.
Push notifications have parent and individual notification types. Communication preferences are established for parent notification types. The individual notification types reference a parent notification type and define the message to be sent using the preferences established for the parent. As mentioned, for push notifications a subscription is not needed; a default contact can be determined in the absence of contact or opt-out preferences.
Not all notification types are relevant to all customers. Notification types can be configured with a suppression criteria algorithm that can prevent some notification types from appearing. It is possible that a notification type was suppressed after active contact preferences were set up. These notification types and their contact preferences are also shown when the filter is set to show inactive preferences.
Please see the zone's help text for information about this zone's fields.
Subscription Communication Preferences Zone displays contact preferences for subscription-based notification types - meaning those notifications to which customers need to subscribe in order to receive them. You can maintain the customer's preferred method(s) of contact (the preferences) for receiving these notifications. A notification for subscription-based notification cannot be sent without an active contact preference. Opting out is not applicable to subscription-based notification types.
Unlike push notifications, communication preferences are established for the subscription notification types, which also defines the message to be sent.
Not all notification types are relevant to all customers. Notification types can be configured with a suppression criteria algorithm that can prevent some notification types from appearing. It is possible that a notification type was suppressed after active contact preferences were set up. These notification types and their contact preferences are also shown when the filter is set to show inactive preferences.
Please see the zone's help text for information about this zone's fields.