Account - C&C
The Credit Rating page contains the credit rating transactions that impact an account's credit rating and cash-only score. To view or modify these transactions, open Menu > Customer Information > Account > Search and navigate to the C&C page.
Description of Page
Collection Class controls how the account's debt is compared against collection criteria to determine if a collection process should be started. Refer to The Big Picture of Credit & Collections for more information about how and when an account's debt is reviewed.
Default note. The Collection Class defaults from the account's customer class when the account is first added. It may be overridden at will.
If you need to prevent an account from being reviewed by credit and collections processes (i.e., the account debt monitor and the write-off monitor), use Postpone Credit Review Until to define the future date when these processes can again review the account's debt.
Last Credit Review Date is the date when the account's debt was last reviewed by the account debt monitor (ADM).
Forced ADM review. If you want the account debt monitor to review an account's debt the next time it runs, simply change the Credit Review Date to a date in the distant past (e.g., 1/1/1900). The next time the ADM background process runs with the Include Minimum Days Review (Y/N) set to Y, it'll see that a great deal of time has passed since the last time it reviewed the account's debt and review it (and then set the Credit Review Date accordingly).
The account's Current Credit Rating is displayed. For an explanation of how this number is derived, see How is an account's credit rating calculated?.
The account's Current Cash-Only Score is displayed. For an explanation of how this number is derived, see How is an account's cash-only score calculated?.
The Credit Rating History scroll contains one entry for each credit rating history record associated with the account. The following fields display:
Start Date This is the first date the credit rating transaction affects the account's credit rating and cash-only score.
End Date This is the last date the credit rating transaction affects the account's credit rating and cash-only score.
The Created On message is formatted using an algorithm on the Installation Options.
Affect Credit Rating By This is the effect of the credit rating transaction on the account's credit score. This should be a negative number because the lower the score the worse the credit rating.
An account's credit rating is equal to the start credit rating amount defined on the installation record plus the sum of credit rating demerits that are currently in effect. When an account's credit rating is less than the credit rating threshold defined on the installation record, the account's credit rating is displayed as an alert in the Alert Zone.
Affect Cash-Only Score By This is the effect of the credit rating transaction on the account's cash-only score. The higher the score, the greater the chance this account will be marked as cash-only. Therefore, a positive number should be used to make the score go up.
An account's cash-only score is equal to the start cash-only score defined on the installation record plus the sum of cash-only points that are currently in effect. When an account's cash-only score exceeds the cash-only threshold score defined on the installation record, the account is flagged as cash-only in the Alert Zone and on the payment event page.
Comments Enter comments to clarify the reason(s) for the creation of the transaction.