Bill Print Group - Main
Open Menu > Customer Information > Bill Print Group > Search to maintain an account's bill print group and subgroups. After defining this information, transfer to the SA Sub Group page to link the account's service agreements to the subgroups.
Description of Page
The Bill Print Group ID is displayed on every page. This value only appears after the bill print group exists on the database. The ID is a system-assigned random number that stays with a bill print group for life.
Enter the Account ID associated with the bill print group.
Use Effective Date to define when the bill print group is effective for the account. This date is important as it allows a customer to change their preferences over time. For example, if the customer wants to change the number of subgroups on a given date, you would simply add a new bill print group effective on this date and then define the new subgroups (and link each service agreement to one of the subgroups).
Use Status to define if the bill print group is Active or Inactive. You would only use the Inactive value if the bill print group is no longer needed (as there is no delete action on this transaction).
Enter a brief Description of the bill print group.
Use Comments to describe anything special about the bill print group.
The grid contains the bill print group's subgroups. The following information should be defined for each subgroup:
Bill Print Sub Group. This is the unique identifier of the bill print subgroup.
Sub Group Bill Print Priority. This is the relative print priority of the subgroup in respect of the other subgroups.
Use as Default. Turn on this switch for the default sub group. A bill print group must have one and only one default subgroup. The default group is used by the bill print process if it detects a service agreement that is not linked to a subgroup (it links this service agreement to the default subgroup).
Sub Group Description. This is a brief description of the subgroup.
Description on Bill. This is the verbiage that will print on the bill (assuming you print something on your bills for the subgroup).
After defining the bill print group's subgroups, navigate to the SA Sub Group tab to link the account's service agreements to the subgroups.