Displaying Insights on Start and Transfer Service Processes
The Start and Transfer Service Processes can display insights about the premise, account and the services at the premise.
The insights are shown when a premise is selected from the search results for the Move-to Premise Address and on the header of subsequent panels – i.e. Customer Identification, Services To Start and Account Details.
The base product provides Insight Classes for each category of insights (premise-based, account-based and service-based), as well as Insight Types that can be linked to the Insight Groups for these Insight Classes.
The following are the steps to enable insights on Start and Transfer Service processes:
Add an Insight Group for the Start/Stop/Transfer Insights - Account-Based Insight Class. Link the Highlight Account Info - Inline (C1-ACCTINFO-INLINE) Insight Type to the Insight Group.
Add an Insight Group for the Start/Stop/Transfer Insights - Premise-Based Insight Class. Link one or more of the following insight types:
Highlight Unique Accounts Had Service At Premise - Inline (C1-UNACCTSP-INLINE)
Highlight Life Support/Sensitive Load on Premise - Inline (C1-PREMLSSL-INLINE)
Highlight Open Cases - Inline (C1-CASEOPEN-INLINE)
Highlight Open Business Flags - Inline (C1-OPBUSFLG-INLINE)
Highlight Field Activity Type - Inline (C1-FLDACTTY-INLINE)
Highlight Pending Field Activity - Inline (C1-PENDFA-INLINE)
Highlight Premise Link To Parent Premise - Inline (C1-PRMPNT-INLINE)
Highlight Child Premises - Inline (C1-PRMCHILD-INLINE)
Highlight Premise Linked to Multiple Accounts - Inline (C1-PRMACCTS-INLINE)
Highlight Landlord - Inline (C1-LANDLORD-INLINE)
Add an Insight Group for the Start/Stop/Transfer Insights - Service-Based Insight Class. Link the Highlight Premise Service Info - Inline (C1-PREMSVC-INLINE)