How To Add A New Customer From Control Central
There are three ways to add a new customer from control central:
You can add a new customer by invoking the Person and Account pages from the Menu dropdown. This is not the recommended approach, as it requires several screen interactions; either of the following approaches is preferable.
If your team has set up sales and marketing campaigns, you can use the order transaction to add a new customer. Refer to Order User Interface Flow for more information. Refer to Sales & Marketing for background information about sales and marketing campaigns.
Adding a Person from Control Central. You navigate as follows:
You start from Control Central - Search. On this page, you determine if the customer already has an account. If so, select it and you're done. If not, proceed to the next step.
Click the + button adjacent to the Name field to transfer to Person - Main Information page (with the name you entered already defaulted). Use the Person pages to record all relevant information about the new customer.
Enter the customer's names, phone numbers, and IDs. Click Save (or press ALT+S) to add the person and account. The value of Add Account and Start Service is defaulted to "on" and the Customer Class defaults based on the Person Type. This means that when you click save the following will happen: a new person is added, a new account is added, the new person is linked to the new account, and you will be automatically transferred to Start/Stop where you can start service. (Note: This is the default behavior of the system. However, an implementation can define different functionality by setting up a customer information options feature configuration.
Default. When the system links the person to the account, it defaults the relationship type from the installation options. A different relationship type can be defined for persons versus businesses on the installation record.
If you need to tinker with information on the account, transfer to account maintenance (use the context menu) and make any necessary changes.