How To Start Service Using A Scheduled Meter Read
Another option exists for starting service when all that is required is a meter reading. If the requested start date is close to a scheduled meter read date, you can forego a special trip into the field to get the reading. The system can use the scheduled meter read as long as it is close enough to the start date (you can determine how "close enough" is defined using a parameter on the batch process described below).
If the start date does not exactly match the date that the meter was read, it will prorate the reading, store it as a meter read of type system prorated, and will link it to the SA/SP so that the service agreement can be started. A special batch process (called FANRMRCO ) exists to perform the analysis of whether or not a reading is available and if its date is close enough (the number of days is an input parameter to the process). It performs the proration as well and creates the special meter reads.
To use scheduled reads to start service, you need to set up and use a special field activity type: "Meter Read Near Cycle" - it will not be eligible for dispatch and its only step type is "read meter". The base package supplied field activity creation algorithm accepts this field activity type as an input parameter. Start (and stop) events are then created with field activities that use this field activity type. The batch process mentioned above looks for field activities of this type and tries to use a scheduled meter read to complete them.
If FANRMRCO cannot find a reading in the specified time period, it will cancel the special field activity and create a normal activity according to the field activity profile. If it finds a peak demand type reading or a consumption type reading, it posts a To Do entry. The type of To Do entry is defined as a parameter of the batch process.