How To Stop Service At A Premise
The following instructions specifically reference the Stop a Premise Stop Method. You can also use the Start Selected SAs Stop Method and its corresponding user interface.
You navigate through the pages as follows:
Use Control Central - Search to find the customer. Click the Stop Service button to transfer to Start/Stop.
Specify the Stop Date, Stop Method (Stop a Premise), and select a Premise (the premise will have been pre-selected for you if you drilled down from Control Central).
Click the Stop button to stop service at the premise.
When you click the stop button, the system changes the status of each service agreement to pending stop and sets the stop date accordingly. If we stopped a service agreement that we shouldn't have, simply cancel the stop by checking the Cancel column in the grid (and save the page)
Landlord reversion. If you stop service at a premise that references a landlord agreement, the system will automatically create pending start service agreements for the landlord for those service types covered by the landlord agreement.
Refer to Stopping Service and Field Activities for the details about how the system creates the field activities to support stop service requests.