Account Management Portal
The Account Management portal is used to maintain multiple accounts linked to a particular customer.
Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Account Management
Some examples of customers with large numbers of accounts include:
Public school districts with many school locations
Corporate entities with many franchise locations
Large apartment complexes with many open units
Service providers billed for many end customers
Cities, counties, or townships (for street lights, sewer service, etc.)
You can select one or more accounts to update, or you can broadcast an account’s service agreements for group SA maintenance. Update actions can be performed on either accounts or SAs. The following items are examples of the account information that can be updated:
Mailing address
Autopay information
Bill cycle
Account management group
The following items are examples of the service agreement information that can be updated:
Rate schedules
Contract riders and contract values
Tax exemptions
When you update information, you can select an account or SA to use as a template, and use this as a basis for updating multiple accounts. The system will copy information from the template to the selected accounts or service agreements. Refer to the embedded help on the Update Details page for more information about using a template to update accounts.
Description of Page
Use the Account Search zone to search for a person. The Person ID is required. Include Hierarchy determines whether you wish to search for accounts directly linked to the person id specified, or if you want to find all accounts in the hierarchy using person to person relationships. You can also enter one or more of the following values to further restrict the list of accounts returned: Customer Class, Account Management Group, Bill Cycle or Characteristic Type/Value.
Once a person is selected, you can view and maintain the accounts and the service agreements associate with the person. Click the broadcast icon next to an account to view SAs for the account. The Service Agreement List zone includes a summary listing of the non-closed, non-canceled service agreements of the broadcast account.
Select one or more accounts and click Update Accounts to modify account information. Select one or more service agreements and click Update Service Agreements to modify service agreement information. Refer to the embedded help on the Update Details page for descriptions of the values that can be updated.
The Person Tree zone, similar to that of Control Central, shows the hierarchy of child persons for the person that has been broadcast.