Maintaining SA Relationships
The SA Relationship page contains information about a specific relationship between a service provider and a customer.
The following page looks deceptively simple. It's not. Refer to The Big Picture of SA Relationships and Service Providers for more information.
Open Customer Information, SA Relationship to maintain this information.
Description of Page
The SA Relationship Info is a concatenation of important information about the SA relationship record. The SA Rel ID is a system-assigned random number that stays with a SA relationship record for life. This value is assigned when the record is added to the database.
SA Relationship Status defines the state of the SA relationship. The buttons are used to change the state:
Click the Activate SA Rel button to activate a Pending SA relationship. This button is only enabled when the status of the SA relationship is Pending.
Click the Cancel SA Rel button to cancel an Active or Pending SA relationship. This button is only enabled when the status of the SA relationship is Active or Pending.
Automatic SA Relationship creation and activation. The system automatically creates and activates required SA Relationships when the Activate SA background process sees that there are required SA relationships for the master SA Type.
Account ID is the account associated with the Service Agreement ID. This field is protected after the SA relationship has been added to the database.
Use Service Agreement to define the "master" service agreement ID that has a relationship. This field is protected after the SA relationship has been added to the database.
Premise is a display-only field that shows the Service Agreement's characteristic premise (i.e., the primary premise associated with the service agreement).
Use SA Relationship Type to define the type of relationship. This field is only enabled if:
A Service Agreement ID is specified, and
The status of the SA Relationship is not Canceled, and
All sub SAs in the grid at the bottom of the page (if any) are Canceled.
Enter the Effective Date of the relationship. This field is only enabled if:
A SA Relationship Type is specified, and
The status of the SA Relationship is not Canceled.
Usage defines how this relationship is used. The following options are available:
Relationship With SPr. Use this option if this relationship is used to define a relationship between a customer and a service provider.
Expire SA Relationship. Use this option if this relationship expires any prior relationship between a customer and a service provider and there is no relationship with a service provider going forward.
If the SA Relationship Type’s Service Provider Model is Market Service Provider, the following fields are enabled:
Market identifies the market in which the service provider participates. Selecting a value will enable Provider Configuration Option.
Provider Configuration Option specifies a service provider’s billing/payment relationship within the specific market. Selecting a value will enable the Market Relationship Service Provider..
Market Relationship Service Provider specifies the ‘It’s Us’ service provider, meaning the utility company who is implementing this system. This is either a distributor or a retailer, depending on the utility’s role in the market. The selection list consists of service providers with the selected billing/payment relationship for the selected market.
Refer to Setting Up Market SA Relationship Options for more details on Service Provider Market Options.
The Service Provider associated with this relationship is the one who provides the related service, if any. You can only choose service providers who are linked to the "master" service agreement's SA type and the above SA Relationship Type. In addition, if the SA Relationship Type’s Service Provider Model is Market Service Provider, the service provider must also be valid for the selected Market, Provider Configuration Option and Market Relationship Service Provider. The Service Provider field is only enabled if:
Usage is Relationship with SPr, and
A SA Relationship Type is specified, and
The SA Relationship Type’s Service Provider Model is Market Service Provider and Market, Provider Configuration and Market Relationship Service Provider are specified, and
The status of the SA Relationship is not Canceled, and
All sub SAs in the grid at the bottom of the page (if any) are Canceled.
If the Service Provider reads the customer's meter (as defined on the service provider's record), the customer's override Read Cycle should be defined. This field is only enabled if:
A Service Provider is specified, and
The Service Provider has the ability to override the service point's service cycle, and
The status of the SA Relationship is not Canceled
The Account Number in Provider's CIS is the customer's ID in the service provider's system. This field is only enabled if:
A SA Relationship Type is specified, and
The status of the SA Relationship is not Canceled.
The Create Sub SA button is used to create Sub Service Agreements for a service provider for which your organization provides billing services. This button will be gray if:
You do not provide billing services for the service provider (i.e., the service provider doesn't have a billing relationship of It's Us or We Bill For Them), or
If the SA relationship's Status is not Active, or
If the status of the master Service Agreement is not Active, Pending Start, or Pending Stop.
The grid at the bottom contains the sub service agreements (if any) that exist when your organization provides billing service for the Service Provider. You can click the Go To button on a row to transfer to the sub service agreement. Refer to Sub Service Agreements for more information. Note: you can click the Create Sub SA button to create sub service agreements for a service provider.
Automatic sub SA creation. The system will automatically create sub service agreements for you. It does this when the Analyze SA Relationships background process (known by the batch control ANLYZSAR) sees that a new SA relationship has been activated.