Premise Information Zone
The Premise Information Zone is a grid that contains information about the current premise. Pushing the button adjacent to the information transfers you to an appropriate page. The following table lists the type of information that may appear in this zone and the page to which you will be transferred if you push the adjacent button.
Rows are suppressed if the related data is blank for the premise.
What Is Displayed
Drill Down Transfers You To
Premise Information
The premise's address. Note, the address information is formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's premise format algorithm for an example. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately
A premise context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of premise-oriented pages)
CIS Division
The premise's CIS division
Premise - Main
A separate row is displayed for each characteristic linked to the premise. The label in each row is the respective characteristic type's description.
The characteristic's value
Premise - Characteristic
The name of the premise's landlord
Landlord Agreement
Service Point Information. Note, a separate row is displayed for each service point linked to the premise
The service point's type and service cycle (if specified)
A service point context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of service point-oriented pages)
Last Meter Read. This row is displayed if a billable meter read exists for the meter configuration that is currently installed at the service point.
The most recent billable meter read’s date and time.
Meter Read - Main
Meter Configuration. This row is displayed if a meter configuration is currently installed at the service point. If so, this row's label is indented and displayed beneath the related service point
The meter configuration's meter type, badge number, installation date, meter configuration type, number of registers.
A meter configuration context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of meter configuration-oriented pages)
Next Meter Read. This row is displayed if the service point references a service cycle.
The next scheduled meter read date and an indication of the service point's service cycle
No drill down is available
Item Information This row is displayed if an item is currently installed at the service point. If so, this row’s label is indented and displayed beneath the related service point.
The item’s type, badge number, and state.
An item context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of item-oriented pages).