Search Options
The CIS Division filter can be specified to limit the search to accounts or premises in a particular CIS Division. The matching is done on either the account’s CIS Division or the premise’s CIS Division depending on whether the search is account-oriented or premise-oriented:
If searching by only a name, the search results that have an associated account will be matched on the account’s CIS Division.
If searching by a name and any of the address constituents, the search results that have an associated account will be matched on the account’s CIS Division.
If searching by only the address constituents, the search results will be matched on the premise’s CIS Division, regardless of whether or not the premise is linked to an account.
The Show All Premises search option controls whether you see all of an account's premises in the search results. If turned on, every premise linked to an account is shown in the search results. If turned off, only one premise is shown per account (and this premise is selected at random).
This switch pertains to the following search methods:
Search by name only (i.e., all address constituents are left blank)
Search by account ID
Search by person phone number
Search by person identifier
This switch does NOT pertain to the following search methods as these are premise-oriented, not account-oriented:
Search by name when any address constituent is entered
Search by address constituents only (i.e., name is blank)
Search by geographic identifier
The benefit of turning this switch off is that an account will be immediately selected when you enter unique account-oriented search criteria. For example, if you specify an Account ID and press enter, the system automatically selects the account; you don't have to wait for the search results to be populated with the multitude of premises linked to the account (and then select one of the rows). Please note, an alert highlights if the selected account has other premises.
Default. The first time you open this page, CIS Division and Show All Premises are defaulted from your user preferences. When you return to this page, the last values are defaulted.
The Expand Results search option is available if your implementation has enabled expanded / fuzzy searching. (Refer to Advanced Search Options for more information.) This functionality relies on special indexes configured in the database, to attempt to include similar words or alternate spellings of a supplied search value. This expanded searching is applied only to searches by name and / or address constituents.