Service Point - Geographic Information
The Geo page contains geographic information that defines where the service point is located. Use Menu > Customer Information > Service Point > Search and navigate to the Geo page.
Description of Page
The following fields are displayed:
Geographic Type Indicate the type of geographic data.
Geographic Value Specify the coordinate value. If the entered value must be in a specific format, a description of the required format is displayed adjacent. For example, if you see the format 99A 99A 99 9, you must enter 2 numbers, followed by a letter, followed by a space, followed by 2 numbers, followed by a letter, followed by a space, followed by 2 numbers, followed by a space, followed by a single number.
If the geographic type has a required format, you must enter the geographic value in the respective format; the system will NOT convert the input value into the relevant format.
Default note. A service point's geographic data defaults from your postal default information. Refer to Setting Up Premise & Service Point Postal Defaults for more information.