The Transfer Service Process and Request
When transferring service (starting and stopping service for the same customer), the system creates a transfer service process flow and assigns it a customer service request type. The process flow type (transfer service process) and customer service request type (transfer service request type or request type) are determined from the action method with Action Method Role of Transfer Service. See Action Method for more information about setting up action methods. The customer service (transfer service) request parent and child business objects are defined on the request type.
The system is delivered with the following objects that are used to transfer service:
Customer Service Request Type business object C1-TransferServiceRequestType
Customer Service Request business object C1-TransferServiceRequest
Customer Service Request Person business object C1-CustSvcRequestPerson
Customer Service Request Account business object C1-CustSvcRequestAccount
Customer Service Request Premise business object C1-CustSvcRequestPremise
Customer Service Request Start SA business object C1-StartServiceRequestSA
Customer Service Request Stop SA business objectC1-StopServiceRequestSA
The transfer service process can be initiated via BPA script (refer to script C1TrnActMtdR).
Transfer Service Process
The transfer service process contains four steps or panels. The logic that is enabled is defined in the request type. The transfer process combines panels from the start and stop processes into one process.
Move-to Premise Address. This panel is the same as the same panel used in the Start Service Process.
Services to Start. This panel is the same as the same panel used in the Start Service Process. The options presented are controlled by the transfer request type.
Services to Stop. This panel is the same as the same panel used in the Stop Service Process. The options presented are controlled by the transfer request type.
Person and Account Details. This panel is similar to the same panel in the Start and Stop Service Processes. The only notable difference is that this panel allows for the creation of a customer contact for the starting and stopping service. The options presented are controlled by the transfer request type.
When the transfer service process is finished, a Summary is shown. The transfer service information is copied to the transfer service parent and child requests. The transfer service process is completed, and the transfer service request takes over.
Transfer Service Request
The transfer service request lifecycle is comprised of this logic:
The transfer service request first checks to see if there are pre-requites to starting service. See Introducing Your Business Rule Before Starting or Transferring Service.
Once any prerequisites have been completed, the request applies any person and account updates gathered during the transfer service flow. It then creates the pending start SAs by calling the algorithm plugged into the Process Services to Start plug-in spot on the request type. Next it creates the pending stop SAs by calling the algorithm plugged into the Process Services to Stop plug-in spot on the request type.
The request then monitors the pending start SAs for activation and the pending stop SAs for stopping.
The move-to premise is updated as soon as one of its SAs are Active. Each move-from premise is updated as soon as one of its SAs are Stopped
The transfer request is completed when all of the following are true:
All premises are updated
All SAs to start are Active
All SAs to stop are Stopped.
For more details, see the transfer service request business object detailed description.