Using The Account/Person Replicator
There are two different ways to use this transaction:
You can make many copies of a given Person / Account combination. This may be required if your company works with third party agencies who enroll customers on its behalf. In this situation, the third party agency may receive blocks of pre-allocated account numbers to be used when they enroll a customer. When a customer signs up, the person information can be updated with information about the newly enrolled customer.
Perform the following steps if you need to create many copies of a given person and account:
Add a new person and account if you don't already have a customer to serve as your "template".
Use the Account/Person Replicator to create copies of the person and the account as described below (and make sure to use the Replicate Acct and Person option).
You can create many Accounts for a single Person. This may be required if you have a customer who wants many separate accounts rather than a single consolidated account.
Perform the following steps if you need to create many copies of a given account for a specific person:
Select the account that serves as the template account for the person. Note, this account must be linked to the person who wants the many accounts.
Use the Account/Person Replicator to create copies of the account as described below (and make sure to use the Replicate Account Only option).
Use Menu > Customer Information > Account/Person Replicator to open this page.
Description of Page
Choose the Account that serves as the template account.
Recommendation. Carefully verify that the template account you have chosen is correct before you save the replicated accounts. After you save the replicated accounts, any corrections could prove time consuming.
At the top of the page, indicate the Number of accounts and persons to Replicate.
Indicate the Main Person Name Base, which will be used as the main person name for all the new persons to be created. This field will be protected if you choose a Replicate Type of Replicate Account Only (as no persons are created).
Use Replicate Type to define if you want to create multiple copies of an account for a given person or if you want to create many new person / account combinations. See the description that appears above for more information about this field.
After entering the above, click the Replicate button to generate your new accounts and persons. The grid displays informational messages describing what will happen when you click save. For example, it will verify how many accounts will be created, the person whose record will be copied, the name that will be used on all the new persons, etc..
If everything looks clean, click save.