Wild Cards
The control central searches against Name, Address, and City support wild cards. The wild card character is % and represents any number or character. The system always appends a % for you when you use these search methods. Examples will help clarify this functionality:
If you enter a B, the system searches for B% (and will find all objects that begin with B ).
If you enter B%N, the system searches for B%N%. It will find anything that
Starts with a B, and
has zero or more other characters followed by an N.
If you enter %B the system searches for %B%. It will find anything with a B in it, no matter what it starts and ends with.
Certain wildcard searches can result in lengthy response times. If you use the wildcard character to prefix your search criteria (e.g., %San Fran), lengthy response times can result. Why? Because the system will have to look at EVERY customer in the system before it can return the results.