Device Test - Components
The test components page contains test components associated with the device test (refer to A Device Test Records Test Results for examples of how and when test components are used to record test results). Use Menu > Meter > Device Test > Search and navigate to the Components page.
Default note. When a device test is first created, all test component types defined on the device test type will be defaulted.
Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Device Test is a concatenation of summary information about this device test. It is composed the device's badge number, the test date, and the test's status.
Device Test ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this device test.
The Device Test Component scroll controls the display of the test components involved in the device test. The fields that appear in the outer scroll are as follows:
Test Component Type The test component type controls the type of test results that are entered. Note well, only test component types defined as permissible on the device test type may be specified.
Sequence This field along with the Device Test ID uniquely identify this record.
Register ID This field is only used if the Test Component Type indicates that a register must be specified. This is typically only done with the component test involves the testing of a specific register.
The grid contains fields used to capture the test results. The number and the type of test results is controlled by the respective Test Component Type.
Where Used
The data on this page may be used during the execution of the device test's test type's validation algorithm. Refer to Device Test Validation for more information.