Device Test Selection
The device test selection page will generate field activities to test meters and items. Open this page using Menu > Meter > Device Test Selection.
Description of Page
To generate field activities to test you meters / items, follow these steps:
Add a Device Test Selection record (see the field description below for information about the fields)
Click the Complete button to have the system generate the field activities. The generated field activities will appear in the grid at the bottom on the screen.
If, after reviewing the field activities, you decide not to perform the tests, you can cancel the field activities by clicking the Cancel button. It's important to note that the system will only cancel Pending activities that are allowed to be canceled automatically.
The remainder of this selection describes the fields associated with a Device Test Selection.
Enter a Description of the selection event.
Select a Selection Algorithm that will select meters or items for testing. Refer to Field Activities And Device Testing for more information.
Use Qty to Select to define the number of meters or items for which you want field activities generated.
Define the field Activity Type to be assigned to the generated field activities.
Define the Scheduled Date to be assigned to the generated field activities.
The Create Date/Time of the test selection is displayed.
Status defines the state of the device test selection. The buttons beneath the status are used to change the state of the device test selection:
Click the Complete button to have the system select the devices to test and to generate the related field activities. The status will change to Complete.
Click the Cancel button to indicate the test selection is Canceled.
The resultant field activities are displayed in the grid that follows.