Item - Main Information
The Main page contains core item information. To open this page, use Menu > Meter > Item > Search.
Description of Page
The following item information is displayed at the top of the page:
Item Info A concatenation of the item's item type, badge number and status.
Item ID This is a system-assigned random number that stays with an item for life. This value only appears after the item exists on the database.
Premise ID The unique identifier of the premise at which the item is installed.
Service Point Information about the service point at which the item is installed.
Install Date The date the item was installed at its current location.
Removal Date The date the item was removed from its last location.
The remaining fields are maintained on the remainder of this page.
Use Badge Number to define the identifier stamped on the item. This is NOT the manufacturer's serial number. Rather, it's the number on the badge that typically appears on the face of the item. This number is what most operators use to identify the item.
Indicate the Item Type. This field is important as it defines the type of service associated with this item. It also defines characteristics common to all items of a given type and the type of equipment that can be linked to the item.
Use the Item Status to indicate if the item is Active, Ordered, or Retired.
Define the item's Manufacturer and Model.
Enter manufacturer's Serial Number.
Use Date Received to define the date on which the item was received from the manufacturer.
Use Date Retired to define the date when the item is retired from service. This field is gray when the item status is Active or Ordered.
Use Retire Reason to define why the item was retired from service. This field is gray when the item status is Active or Ordered.
Enter any comments about the item in the Comments.
The tree at the bottom of the page is only relevant for items used to define pieces of equipment as it contains the following information:
Every service point to which a piece of equipment is linked
Every meter to which a piece of equipment is linked
Every item to which a piece of equipment is linked