Items & The V
The "V". The "V" is the nickname given to the demographic and geographic information that forms the heart of your CIS system. This section assumes you are familiar with the "V". If you aren't, refer to Understanding The "V".
If there are charges in your rates based on the number and type of items installed at a service point (e.g., lamp charges), you must use either of the following techniques:
If the item is badged (i.e., uniquely identified), you would set up an item and link it to an item - based service point. An item-based service point may have zero or one item installed at any instant in time. Over time, an item-based service point may have many badged items installed and removed. Refer to Installing / Removing An Item for more information.
If the item does not have a unique identifier, you do NOT have to set up phony items for it. Rather, you can use the system's multi-item functionality and simply define the number of each TYPE of item that is installed at a service point. Refer to Service Points With Multiple Items for an illustration of such a service point.
Another way to think of an item is something that does NOT measure consumption, but impacts billing in some way. Examples include streetlights, light poles, and security cameras.
The above example illustrated a service point that has a single item installed at it at any one point in time. We use the term " badged item" to reference the thing that can be installed at such a service point (because it has a unique ID that appears on a badge). In addition to badged items, you can install an unlimited number of non-badged items at any type of service point. Refer to Service Points (SPs) for more information.