Meter Replicator - Main Information
You use this page to create many copies of a given meter. Use Menu > Meter > Meter Replicator to open this page.
Description of Page
Define the Meter ID that is to serve as your template meter.
Recommendation. Carefully verify the template meter using the other tabs in this page before you save the replicated meters. After you save the replicated meters, any corrections could prove time-consuming.
Indicate the Number of Meters to Replicate.
If the meter's meter type tracks location, a meter history location will be created during replication. Use Stock Location to define the initial meter stock location to be used in the location history. Refer to The Big Picture Of Asset Inventory for more information.
Use Badge Prefix to define the prefix of the badge numbers assigned to the meters. Use Start From to define the suffix of the badge number assigned to the first copy of the meter. Use Increment by to define the value to increment successive badge numbers by. The first and last badge numbers to be created by the replicator are displayed adjacent.
For example, if the first badge number you want to create is E99-1021 and the last badge number is E99-1077 you'd enter the following parameters:
Number of Meters would be 57
Badge Prefix would be E99-10
Start From would be 21
Increment by would be 1
Use Serial Prefix to define the prefix of the serial number assigned to the meters. Use Start From to define the suffix of the serial number assigned to the first copy of the meter. Use Increment by to define the value to increment successive serial numbers by. The first and last serial numbers to be created by the replicator are displayed adjacent.
For example, if the first serial number you want to create is GE9101-1000-001 and the last serial number is GE9101-1000-057 you'd enter the following parameters:
Number of Meters would be 9
Serial prefix would be GE9101-1000-0
Start From would be 1
Increment by would be 1
After entering the parameters, click Replicate to generate your new meters. You can use the frames at the bottom of the page to view the meters that will be created when you click save. The left frame will show how Badge and Serial Numbers will look on the first 10 meters. If you are creating more than 10 meters, the right frame will show how Badge and Serial Numbers will look on the last 10 meters. If everything looks clean, click the save button.