FA Upload Staging - Main
The Main page contains core field activity completion information. Open this page using Menu > Field Order > FA Upload Staging > Search.
Description of Page
FA Upload Staging ID is the system-generated unique identifier for the field activity upload staging record (note: this will be the same as the unique ID of the associated field activity).
The Field Activity ID is the field activity being completed.
The Service Point ID and its information are displayed beneath.
Upload Status shows the state of the field activity upload record. Potential values are: Pending, Complete, Error.
If a record is in Error, the error message will be displayed adjacent. You can correct an Error by
Correcting whatever is wrong,
Change the Upload Status back to Pending
Click the Complete button. Clicking the Complete button calls the routine that attempts to update the completion information.
Enter the Work Date/ Time when the field work was performed. These values will be populated on the field activity's field order when it is completed.
Worked By is the individual (or crew) who actually performed the work. Only representatives defined as valid for the field order's dispatch group may be assigned.
Comments is appended to the field activity's Comments.
The FA Upload Staging Steps scroll contains a summary of the field activity's steps.
Click the Complete button to complete the associated field activity. This button is only enabled when the field activity upload staging record has been saved on the database and is in the Pending state.
Click the Delete button to delete the field activity upload staging record. This button is only enabled when the field activity upload staging record has been saved on the database and is in the Pending or Error states.