Field Activity - Steps
Use this page to reference the objects that were created or updated to reflect what took place in the field. Open this page using Menu > Field Order > Field Activity and navigate to the Steps page.
We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Does A Field Order Get Completed? before you use this page.
The number and type of steps associated with a field activity are defined by the field activity's type (which is maintained on the previous page). Refer to Setting Up Field Activity Types for more information.
Description of Page
Summary information about the Service Point at which the activity will occur is displayed, as well as the service point's system-generated Service Point ID.
The Field Activity Status is displayed next. See Field Activity - Main for the valid values of Status and their meanings.
The Field Activity Steps grid displays the step(s) involved in the field activity, as defined by the field activity's field activity type. In order to complete a step, you typically need to add or change something in the system to reflect what happened in the field. For example, you would add a meter read for a step that required a new meter read. Refer to How Does A Field Order Get Completed? for information describing how to enter this information.
If the field activity is linked to an FA upload staging that is in the status pending or error, the FA Completion field displays information about the FA upload staging record.
The FA Actions buttons allow you to change the status of the field activity. Refer to the Main page for a description of the fields.