Field Order - Field Activities
The Field Activities page shows the field activities linked to the field order. Open this page using Menu > Field Order > Field Order > Search and navigate to the Field Activities page.
Description of Page
The following information is displayed in the top portion of every page in this page.
Field Order is a concatenation of information about the order. It consists of the address of the premise, the status of the field order, the number of field activities linked to the order and, if the order has been completed, the date on which the work was done.
Field Order ID is the unique system-generated identifier for the field order.
The Field Activity scroll contains the field activities associated with the field order. To modify a field activity, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new activity, click the + button to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Service Point ID This is the system identifier of the service point at which the activity takes place. Summary information about the service point is displayed adjacent.
Activity Type Indicate the type of field activity. Only those activity types that have been defined as valid for the service point's SP type may be selected. The activity type's description is displayed adjacent.
Field Activity The unique system-generated identifier for this field activity.
Immediately below the Activity Type and Field Activity ID is a message created by the system about the field activity. If an appointment has been made for this field activity, information about the appointment is also displayed.
Field Activity Priority When a field activity is created, the value in this field is a default derived from the field activity's FA type. The operator may override this value so long as the activity is in status Pending or Held .
Field Activity Status A field activity is originally created in the Pending state. It remains in this state until the fieldwork is done and the system is updated with the results. At that time, the activity transitions to the Completed state. If an activity cannot be done, it should be Canceled. Change an activity's status to Held if you want to hold the activity pending some future event.
To completely understand the significance of a field activity's status, refer to The Big Picture Of Field Orders.
Cancel Reason When the field activity is canceled, a reason for the cancellation should be supplied
Instructions Enter any special instructions to be supplied to the field crew.
Comments Use the comments area to describe anything unusual about the activity. For example, if you change the activity's status to Held, it might be a good idea to explain the reason for doing so in the comments.
The Field Activity Step grid contains a summary of the field activity's steps.
The number and type of steps associated with a field activity are defined by the field activity's type (which is maintained on the previous page). Refer to Designing Field Activity Types for more information.