Field Order Search Dialog
This query's search dialog shows groups of field orders that match your search criteria. You can change the displayed information by changing the search criteria.
Leaving a search field blank. If you leave a search field blank, the system assumes you want to see all groups of field orders. For example, if you leave dispatch group blank, you will see every dispatch group's orders. You may use this facility on any of the search fields.
Description of Page
Enter a Dispatch Group to limit the search to a specific dispatch group. Leave this field blank to view groups of orders linked to all dispatch groups.
Enter a Field Order Status to limit the search to groups of orders in a specific state. Valid values are: Dispatched, Canceled, Completed, Pended By User, Work Done, Not Recorded. Leave this field blank to view groups of orders regardless of status.
Enter a Schedule Date/Time to limit the search to orders that exist on or before the input date and time. Leave this field blank to view groups of orders throughout time.
When you select a row and proceed to the query page, the system displays the individual field orders for the selected dispatch group, status and schedule date.