Group Premise FAs (Field Activities)
This page is used to view the pending field work at a premise and to create field order(s) for the pending field activities.
Open this page using Open this page using Menu > Field Order > Group Premise FAs.
Description of Page
This page has several purposes:
It shows a Premise's pending field activities that are not assigned to a field order and are linked to a dispatch group that is eligible for dispatch. These appear in the first grid.
It shows a Premise's open field orders. These appear in the second grid.
It allows users to create a new field order(s) and link pending field activities to them (this is done by clicking the Create Field Order button).
The Premise's address and Premise ID are displayed.
Click the Create Field Order button to create a field order for the selected field activities (the activities appear in the following grid). You have two options when you click this button:
Specify an Override Dispatch Group. If you do this, a field order will be created for this dispatch group and the selected field activities will be linked to it.
Leave Override Dispatch Group blank. If you do this, the system will look for the "lowest common denominator" dispatch group and assign it to the pending field activities. Refer to Using Alternate Dispatch Groups To Find The Lowest Common Denominator for more information.
A field order's dispatch group overrides the activity's dispatch group. Be aware that the dispatch group that is assigned to the field order will replace the original dispatch group assigned to the field activities.
After orders have been created, they appear in the grid at the bottom of this page.