Lifecycle of a Field Order
The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of a field order.
Refer to The Lifecycle Of Field Activities and Field Orders for a more detailed discussion of the lifecycle of a field order. The following diagram merely illustrates the state transition rules.
Dispatched A field order starts its life in the Dispatched state. Please note that when a field order is dispatched, its field activities remain in the Pending state.
Pended by User You Pend a field order when you want to indicate to others that it shouldn't be dispatched (for whatever reason).
Work Done, Not Recorded You may mark a field order as Work Done, Not Recorded if you know the field work is complete, but you lack the details (or time) to actually Complete the field order.
Complete After the related field work has been performed, the system is updated to reflect what happened and the field order becomes complete. No changes may be made to a Complete field order. Refer to How Does A Field Order Get Completed for more information about completion.
Canceled A field order may be Cancelled.