Sort Key
The field order print records need to be sorted in the right sequence in order for a document composition application to process them. The following is a description of the portion of each record that is responsible for performing this task.
Note that the first ten fields in the Sort Key - DISP_​GRP_​CD through FO_​ID - are all from the CIS database records. For each Field Order in an extract run, there will be a "block" of records of indeterminate size in which the values of these first ten fields will be identical. These ten fields see to it that each block is sorted correctly within the extract as a whole. It is the task of the last six fields to make certain that the records in a particular Field Order's block are sorted correctly within the block. Most of these six are artificial, but two are from the CIS database, where they serve a similar function.
The precise mechanics of the Sort Key may be difficult to envision. This is particularly true with regard to the three-in-one format of the Sequence Number field described in the table below. A look at the Order of Record Types section above may help to make it clearer. Within a given Field Order (FO) block there are several sub-groups. Not only must each sub-group as a whole be in the proper sequence within the FO block, but each record in a sub-group must be in the proper sequence within the sub-group. These sub-groups are Service Point (one or more per FO with one or more Field Activities at each SP), Meter (a Meter and its Registers), Multi-Item (a Multi-Item record and its Detail Lines), and Field Activity (a Field Activity record and its various Steps).
The following table defines the structure of the sort key that appears on each field order print record. Please note that different components are filled in for each printer key.
Field Name
CI_​FO / Dispatch Group code
CI_​FO / Representative code
CI_​PREM / State of the Premise address
CI_​PREM / City of the Premise address
CI_​PREM / Postal Code of the Premise address
CI_​PREM / first line of the Premise street address
CI_​FO / System-assigned identifier for the Premise
CI_​FO / Scheduled date of the Field Order
CI_​FO / Scheduled time of the Field Order
CI_​FO_​STG_​DWN / System-assigned identifier of the Field Order
FO Group [Artificial]
This field forces the Service Point record group(s) into a position subordinate to the Field Order. Values:
10 - Field Order
30 - SP
90 - End Field Order
SP Sequence [Artificial]
If there is more than one Service Point on a particular FO, this field forces them into an arbitrary sequence. Each SP is then followed by its device and Field Activity record group(s).
SP Group [Artificial]
This field forces the device (meter, item or multi-item) and Field Activity record groups into a position subordinate to the Service Point. Values:
10 - SP
20 - Item
30 - Meter
35 - End Meter
40 - Multi-Item
45 - End Multi-Item
50 - FA
60 - End SP
Sequence Number
This field serves the same purpose in three distinct areas:
Register Sequence (within a Meter record) (CI_​REG)
Item Sequence (within a Multi-Item record)
FA Sequence (within a Service Point)
In each instance, it forces the subordinate records into the correct order within, respectively, the Meter, Multi-item and Service Point record sub-groups.
In addition to the "natural" values from the CIS database, there are two artificial values that serve to force a particular record into its proper place within the FA sub-group:
000 - Credit & Collections record
999 - End FA record
FA Step Group [Artificial]
Each FA Step will have one or more FA Step (action) records. This field is to force these records into an arbitrary sequence within the FA sub-group. Values:
10 - Enter Meter Badge Number
20 - Enter Item Badge Number
30 - Enter Customer Contact
40 - Enter Reconfigure Register
50 - Enter Disconnect Location
60 - Enter Register Reading
70 - Enter Multi-item
80 - Enter Trouble Order Statistics
90 - Enter Changes
98 - Generic (placeholder)
99 - End FA Step