Bill Segment - Financial Details
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To Cancel / Rebill A Bill Segment for instructions describing how to regenerate this information if it is incorrect.
The Financial Details page contains information about the financial effects of the bill segment. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and navigate to the Financial Details page to view this information.
Refer to The Source Of GL Accounts On A Bill Segment's Financial Transaction for how the system compiles this information.
Description of Page
Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.
The Bill Segment FT scroll contains one entry for every financial transaction (FT) associated with the bill segment. All bill segments have an FT that shows the impact of the bill segment on the general ledger. A bill segment may have an additional FT (for a maximum of two) if it is cancelled. The second FT shows the impact of the cancellation on the general ledger.
The following financial transaction information is displayed above the general ledger distribution grid.
FT Type displays the type of financial transaction (FT).
Show on bill indicates if information about the FT appears on the customer's bill.
FT ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the FT. Click the go to button to transfer to the Financial Transaction - Main page. On this page you can change certain aspects of the FT in question. Refer to How To Remove Unwanted Adjustments (or Payments) From A Completed Bill for a description of how to perform common maintenance functions.
The posted by information that appears adjacent to the FT ID shows the date on which the FT was frozen and the user ID of the user who performed the operation.
The "Linked to bill on" message appears when the financial transaction is linked to a bill. A FT is linked to a bill the next time a bill is completed for the account. Therefore, if a user cancels a bill segment, the FT associated with the cancellation will not be linked to a bill until the next bill is completed (although the financial effect of the cancellation takes place immediately). Click the adjacent go to button to transfer to the bill on which the FT appears.
Current Amount contains the FT's effect on the service agreement's current balance.
Payoff Amount contains the FT's effect on the service agreement's payoff balance. This field is only visible when the payoff amount differs from the current amount.
Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the FT's accounting period in your general ledger.
Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging.
The journal details grid is a snapshot of the distribution codes used to generate the GL accounts that are affected by the FT. This information is for audit purposes only and may not be modified. The following information is displayed in the grid:
Seq is the system-assigned unique identifier of the distribution line.
Distribution Code is the distribution code used to generate the GL account affected by the distribution line. Drill over to the FT if you need to see the actual GL account.
Amount is the amount debited / credited (credits are shown as negative values).
Statistics and Statistics Amount are only specified when a statistical quantity is associated with the distribution line. For example, if the line is associated with a charge for the total number of kilowatt-hours consumed, the statistics code will be the kWh and the statistics amount will be the number of kilowatt-hours associated with the charge.
Description describes the characteristic value that was used when the line's amount was calculated. This information is only displayed if the distribution line was derived from bill calculation lines that were calculated using a bill factor (because only bill factor's use characteristic values). Refer to An Illustration Of A Bill Factor And Its Characteristics for more information.
If you have configured your installation options to indicate that fund accounting is practiced, the description of the Fund associated with this distribution code is displayed.