Bill Segment - Item Details
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To Override The Items Billed On A Specific Bill Segment for a description of how to override this information.
The Item Details page contains information about the items located at the service agreement's service points. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and navigate to the Item Details page to view this information.
Refer to How The System Determines How Much Was Consumed for how the system assembles this information.
Description of Page
Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.
The item details grid is a snapshot of the items that existed at the service agreement's service points at the time the bill segment was created. One row exists for every type of item linked to every service point linked to the service agreement.
This information may be modified on a bill segment in the Error or Freezable state. Insert one row in the item grid (click the + button) for each item you need to add. You may also change item amounts that were populated by the system when it initially generated the bill by simply overwriting the information.
The proper way to fix the number and type of items on a bill segment is to correct the service point / item information and then regenerate the bill segment. Overriding the item details on a bill segment is a last resort that should only be used when you cannot fix the service point / item information (for whatever reason).
The following information is displayed in the grid:
Seq No is the system-assigned unique identifier of the item detail row.
Item Type is the type of item.
Item ID is the unique identifier of the item (this is only displayed if a badged item is linked to the service point; non-badged items don't have unique identities).
Start Date is the first day in the bill segment's bill period that the item was linked to the service point.
End Date is the last day in the bill segment's bill period that the item was linked to the service point.
Item Count is the number of items of this type that were linked to the service agreement's service points.
If the item's item type indicates the system must estimate consumption (e.g., lamps), UOM is the unit of measure of the estimated consumption. Daily Service Quantity is the item's estimated amount of daily consumption.
Refer to Setting Up Item Types for more information about item types. Refer to Setting Up Estimated Consumption For Items for more information about defining the estimated consumption amount for items.