Bill Segment - Read Details
The Read Details page contains information about the meter reads that were used to derive the bill segment's metered consumption. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and navigate to the Read Details page to view this information.
Refer to How The System Determines How Much Was Consumed for how the system assembles this information.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for a description of how to perform common bill maintenance functions.
Description of Page
Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.
The meter read grid is a snapshot of the meter reads used to calculate the bill segment's consumption. One row exists for every register linked to every meter linked to every service point linked to the service agreement. This information is for audit purposes only and may not be modified. The following information is displayed in the grid:
Final Unit of Measure is the unit of measure of the resultant billing quantity.
Final Time of Use is the time-of-use code of the resultant billing quantity.
Final Service Quantity ID is the service quantity identifier of the resultant billing quantity.
Register Quantity is the resultant billing quantity. See Measured Quantity below for more information.
Service Point ID is the unique identifier of the service point at which the meter was located.
Meter Configuration ID is the unique identifier of the meter's configuration.
Sequence is the sequence number of the register on the meter.
Unit of Measure is the register's unit of measure.
Time of Use is the register's time-of-use code.
SQI is reserved for future use.
Start Register Reading is the start register reading. If the register is consumptive, (as opposed to subtractive) the word N/A - Consumptive is displayed, as the start read is not relevant. Click the Go to button to drill down into the meter read.
End Register Reading is the end register reading. Click the Go to button to drill down into the meter read.
Measured Quantity is the resulting measured quantity.
Measured quantity isn't necessarily the difference between the start and end read. The measured quantity is equal to the Measured Quantity * Register Constant * Installation Constant * Use Percent.
Measured quantity isn't necessarily the quantity that's billed. If the rate used to calculate the bill segment has a pre-processing calculation group, this consumption will be transformed further. For example, a cubic foot of gas can be transformed by a calculation rule to a therm of gas. When calculation rules convert measured consumption, they do NOT overwrite the measured quantity. Rather, they populate the Final UOM, Final TOU, Final SQI, and Register Quantity with the final billable quantity. Refer to All Calculation Rule-Based Rates Share a Common Structure for more information about pre-processing calculation groups.
Register Constant is the constant on the register multiplied by the installation constant on SP Meter History. The resulting value is then used in calculating Measured Quantity.
How To Use is the register's how to use code.
How To Use (SP) is the SA/SP's how to use code.
Use Percent is the SA/SP's usage percentage.
Measures Peak Qty indicates if the unit of measure is one that measures peak consumption.
Start Read Date/Time is the date and time of the start meter read. If the register is consumptive, (as opposed to subtractive) nothing will be displayed.
End Read Date/Time is the date and time of the end meter read.
Start Reg Read ID is the unique identifier of the start register read. If the register is consumptive, (as opposed to subtractive) nothing will be displayed.
Read Type is the read type of the start meter read.
End Reg Read ID is the unique identifier of the end register read.
Read Type is the read type of the end meter read.
Multiplier is the composite multiplier that converts the measured quantity to the registered quantity.
The multiplier is calculated by dividing the Register Quantity by the Measured Quantity (if the Measured Quantity is 0, then the result is 0). This is not stored on the database. There is a chance that the value is not precise due to round-off.