Billable Charge - Main
Open Menu > Financial > Billable Charge > Search to maintain a billable charge.
Description of Page
The Billable Charge ID is system generated. The Account ID of the account responsible for the charge is displayed at the top.
Use SA ID to define the ID of the billable charge service agreement that will hold the billable charge's debt. The Account ID for the service agreement is displayed for information purposes.
Use Start Date and End Date to define the charge's bill period.
Installment billable charges. You can create many future dated billable charges to implement unusual installment plans. For example, if you want to bill a customer $250 today, $150 next month, and $1000 three months from now; you could create three billable charges with a date that reflects the earliest bill date. When a bill is produced for the account, the system will create a bill segment for every billable charge whose start date is on or before the current date.
If you want to create the billable charges from an existing template, enter the ID of the Billable Charge Template from which the billable charge information defaults. If your SA Type indicates a billable charge template, that value will be defaulted. The billable charge template is stored with the billable charge, to reference what was used to create it.
Actual billable charge lines can differ from what was originally defaulted from the billable charge template if user overrides were done after defaulting. Refer to Maintaining Billable Charges for more details.
Use Description on Bill to define the verbiage that should print on the customer's bill above the line item details.
Billable Charge Status defines the state of the billable charges. Possible values are Billable and Cancelled. Click the Cancel button to cancel a billable charge.
Bill Segment ID is the ID of the bill segment on which the billable charge's charge details appear. This information is only populated AFTER the billable charge has been swept onto a bill.
The Total Bill Amount displays the sum of all billable charge lines except those that are Memo Only. The Total Line Amount displays the sum of all billable charge lines except those that Appear In Summary.
The information in the scroll defines the line item details associated with the billable charge. Click the drill down button to navigate to the line characteristics. The following fields are required for each line:
Sequence Sequence controls the order in which the line items appear on the bill segment.
Description on Bill Specify the verbiage to print on the bill for the line item.
Charge Amount Specify the amount to charge for the line item.
Show on Bill Turn this switch on if the line item should appear on the customer's printed bill. It would be very unusual for this switch to be off.
Appears in Summary Turn this switch on when the amount associated with this line also appears in a summary line. This switch plays a part at bill print time - those lines that appear in a summary print in the left dollar column, those that don't appear in a summary print in the right dollar column. Also note, those lines that appear in a summary line are not included in the total amount associated with the billable charge.
Memo Only, No GL Turn this switch on if the billable charge line does not contribute to the total amount due (e.g., this switch would be on for "information only" lines).
Distribution Code Specify the distribution code that identifies the GL account associated with this line item. The description of the code appears adjacent.
For more information about billing billable charges, refer to How To Create A One-Time Invoice. For more information about billable charge templates, refer to Setting Up Billable Charge Templates.