Cancel / Rebill Incorrect Bill Segments
Sometimes the error on a bill segment is not detected by the system. Such errors occur when the data used to calculate the bill is valid, but wrong. For example, the dial reading on the meter read is incorrect due to slipped fingers, or the sales tax percent was entered incorrectly on a bill factor.
There is no way the system can detect such problems and therefore the system freezes the bill segment and routes the bill to the customer. To correct such a bill segment, you must cancel the offending segment and create a new segment (after correcting the cause of the problem). We refer to this process as cancel / rebill.
Refer to How To Cancel / Rebill A Bill Segment for more information about how to cancel / rebill a frozen bill segment.
You must use the cancel / rebill process to correct problems on frozen bill segments. This is because a frozen bill segment can be thought of as having been posted to your general ledger (even if the GL interface hasn't run). And once a financial transaction is posted to the general ledger, it can only be removed via a reversal. Contrast this to bill segments that are in error - they can be deleted because they were never posted to the general ledger.
Refer to Bill Segment Lifecycle for more information about the differences between bill segments that are frozen and those that are in error.
Bill segments are canceled / rebilled. It's important to stress that bill segments are canceled and rebilled (as opposed to bills). If every bill segment on a bill is incorrect, you must cancel / rebill each individual bill segment.
Using the cancel or cancel/rebill functionality will cause the cancel and rebill details to be swept on to the customer's next bill. If your organization requires cancellation details to be presented to the customer separately from the new bill, then you will need to use Credit Notes. Refer to Credit Notes - Presenting Cancellation Details on a Separate Bill for more information. If your organization requires cancellation and rebill details to be presented to the customer separately from the new bill, then you will need to use Correction Notes. Refer to Correction Notes - Presenting Correction Details on a Separate Bill for more information.