Document Numbers Are Only Assigned If the Installation Option Is Turned On
Document numbers will only be assigned if you have selected Document Numbers as the Alternative Bill ID Option on the Installation record. In addition, the Document Number (C1–DOC-NBR) and Document Number Details (C1–DOCNBR-DT) algorithms must be enabled on the Installation record. These algorithms contain the logic used by the system to assign a document number to a bill.
The logic used to assign a document number can be quite complex. For example, the document number may depend on the issuing center, the bill’s document type (credit memo, invoice or debit memo), the account’s VAT category and the CIS division. Depending on your implementations complexity, you may choose one of the following possible configurations for document numbers:
Populate the Document Number, Document Number Details and Document Sequence Number algorithms on the Installation record. The system will behave as follows:
During online bill completion, a document type is derived and captured on the bill along with other required bill characteristics and a document number is assigned
During batch billing, a document type is derived and captured on the bill along with other required bill characteristics. Assigning a document number is deferred to the Assign Bill Document Numbers background process. The idea here is that all complex logic is executed during the multi-threaded batch billing process leaving the minimal amount of work for the single-threaded batch process that assigns the document number.
Populate the Document Number and Document Number Details algorithms on the Installation record. Here, the system assigns a document number during online bill completion, but skips the assignment of document type and number during batch billing. The Assign Bill Document Numbers background process is responsible for deriving the bill’s characteristics (document type, document classification, etc.) and assigning a document number.